17 Dec

- The last phase of the Product-Development Life Cycle is to assess how the just completed iteration of the cycle went. This is assessing the solution.

- Here we explore, how was the cycle? We determine if we're on track to achieve our success metrics. And we also come up with a recommendation for what to do in the next iteration. 

- As you might guess ,the recommendation feeds into the initial planning phase ,of the next iteration. During this phase, you'll meet with a team that you built the product with, and assess how it went.

     + Did everyone get so burned-out, that half the team quit?

     + Was the team very happy with the process, and excited to work on the next project?

     + What was the team's overall competitive strength?

     + And what could they improve at?

- Use this feedback to determine what went well, and what you should do differently the next time around.

- Now that the product's released, you should start seeing real data about how people are using it. 

     + Is it in-line with your expectation, or is it somewhat off? 

- Most importantly, does it look like you're on track to achieve your success metrics? These metrics might vary, depending your company, and your goals. 

     + It might be number of users

     + It might be market share

     + It could be performance measures ,or revenues, or in tying profits.

- So this brings to an end, our discussion of the product lifecycle, and we've marched through each of the core considerations of finding and planning, of designing, of building, of sharing, and of assessing.

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