20 Dec

     - Just as design is more than just creating pixels engineering is more than just typing code. Programming is very much like an art form. You're building something from nothing, and all of the pieces must function pretty much perfectly, or the whole product won't work.

     - This artistic complexity leads to some common traits in engineers worth knowing about. As understanding these traits will help your interpersonal communication and relationship with engineers.

     - In general, engineers are intelligent and highly motivated, and enjoy working on hard problems and learning new things. They're often very independent, and care more about crafting and elegant solution to a complex problem than about specific business needs.

     - Engineering is hard, and every product needs engineers. Given that their skills are typically in high demand, and talented engineers are hard to find and hard to retain. So, how do you create and maintain a great relationship with engineering? 

      - We'll start off the right way by recognizing that it takes work. The biggest thing you should keep in mind is that engineering or coding is difficult, and you should trust that the engineers or the software developers know their craft. 

          + I'd also recommend that you've working with engineering as an educational experience, both for you and for them.

     - Another big mistake that product managers make with engineering, is that they don't take time to get to know each person, and give them feedback and recognition.

          + Some engineers work better with a To Do List.

          + Other engineers might want a more active, iterative level of engagement.

     - As you continue throughout the development cycle, and have to make hard decisions, cut features, re-design features, make sure to work with engineering and perhaps individual engineers to understand the technical side of these aspects, and the impacts of their changes.

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