Welcome to our module on managing innovative product teams. The are four core objectives for this module.
1. What's involved in organizing and managing the team?
2. What is the product development life cycle?
3. What development methodologies are most popular, as well as emerging?
4. How do you engage with stakeholders throughout this process?
We'll focus on three different elements of the company.
a. One are the business elements, where we'll talk about things:
+ The Golden Circle
+ The five Cs analysis
+ Creating and validating an hypothesis.
- This will bring you to the point of working with a business team to create the product requirements document, the PRD.
- From there, we'll examine design, and we'll talk about user experience design and the difference between product managers and designers.
b. We'll provide some highlights of the design process, discuss usability testing and principles of good design, as well as how to manage design sprints.
c. Lastly, we'll examine engineering and what makes for a productive product engineering relationship.
- We'll explore various software-development methodologies. We'll also examine waterfall development, Agile development, Scrum and Kanban.
- And when you bring these together you'll have a solid foundation to work effectively with your team.